Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin cookies-turned-cake

I’m not the best chef – or baker – or cook. The kitchen appliances I use most are the microwave and the toaster. Even then, my meals can turn out kind of sketchy (if you pour the cheese mix on instant macaroni, you’d better mix it right away or else it chunks up).

Pumpkin season is officially here though! That’s one of my favorite parts of Fall.

Pumpkin pie was always the tastiest part of Thanksgiving. These days you can get just about anything in the flavor of pumpkin spice. Cappuccino, Hershey’s kisses, muffins. You name it, and you can get it.

That’s why I had to get the pumpkin spice flavored Betty Crocker cookie mix.

I was at the store to buy milk and eggs, but it was pumpkin spice cookie mix, so I didn’t even bother trying to fight it. In the basket it went.

The baking directions weren’t too complicated. All I needed was one egg, some water and a stick of butter. Check, check and check.

If only making it was as simple as the ingredients.

It started off easy enough. I put the mix into a bowl while a stick of butter was melting in the microwave.

Then I added the egg.

Then 2 cups of water and, finally, the butter.

I mixed it all together. At first it was kind of chunky, but 10 seconds later it was nice and smooth. 10 seconds later it was smoother than before. It never got to the consistency of liquid, but the mix was closer to a pumpkin milkshake than cookie dough.

Immediately, I retraced my steps. I retrieved the package from my trashcan and read over the ingredients.

1 stick of butter, 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of water. Shit! I put 2 entire cups in.

At that point there were two options – throw it away or try to save it.

Thankfully I had some flour left in my cupboard, so I used a couple cups of that to thicken the batter up. It was still looking a lot like a milkshake though.

I added an egg yoke and a little more flour (then a little ginger to counteract all the flour I put in). That’s about as thick as it was going to get.

So I poured it into a cake pan, put it in the oven (preheated at 350) and baked it for 17 minutes.

Add a little cream cheese frosting and you get: Pumpkin Spice Cookies-turned-Cake

I’m going to give this a favorable result.

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