Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Captain Picard Day!

If you look at Wikipedia's page for June 16th, you'll see a slew of historic events.

Perhaps more exciting than anything listed on the Wikipedia page is the fact that June 16th is also Captain Picard Day.

Captain Picard Day is celebrated on June 16th because it is the equivalent date to Stardate 47457.1, mentioned in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode entitled The Pegasus. In that episode, Captain Picard Day is an occasion for the Enterprise to host schoolchildren and show them what Starfleet is like.

Here's a list of other great captains:

Captain Planet
Who else can save the planet from pollution-loving bad guys and be a good role model -- all while rocking green hair? That's greatness all by itself. Add in his super powers and his always cool attitude, and you have a great captain indeed.

Captain Hook
He loses battles to a flying teenager in tights who leads a battle of lost boys against hardened pirates. Yet, somehow, Hook is able to maintain the pirates' allegiance. He may have lost his hand to an alligator, but Hook his clever enough to keep his pirates at his command.

Captain Crunch
He doesn't lead any crew members, as far as I know -- though the idea of a Peanut Butter Crunch army does sound pretty cool.

Captain Jack Sparrow
He's abandoned his crew and his "friends" more times than people could count. However, he always maintained loyalty to the Black Pearl. Maintaining one's loyalty to one's ship is a vital part of being a good captain.

Captain America
The All-American good guy -- Captain America is there to protect and serve, Captains don't get much better than that.

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